The day started with Gingerbread Pancakes for breakfast. YUMMMM!

Christmas Eve evening we went to church, a first for Aaron and me. I love our church and I loved the candlelight service - just being home for THAT is reason enough for me to stay home for Christmas. The babies didn't join us for the service, though. They are far to wiggly to sit through a church service, so they entertained everyone in the nursery. Maybe next year they can be part of the magic of Christmas Eve service!
After church, we came home and put out cookies for Santa, and then the babies hit the hay. It was a long day and we were all excited for Santa to come!! Aaron and I indulged in what will now be our traditional Creamy Chicken & Wild Rice soup. Mmmmm.
Christmas morn came early (especially with 2 midnight wakings from Hannah...). We had planned monkey bread for breakfast, but knew the babies would need a snack. So they got Cheerios and milk while I prepared the monkey bread. In the oven the bread went and then we got to open our presents!! Such fun.
After a morning nap and some delicious pot roast for lunch, we went to visit with Uncle Randy and his family (and Grand-dad was there) for another Christmas. More presents, playing and fun!!
What a wonderful day. We are having trouble getting back on our regular schedule now...... surely traveling to Kansas this week for ANOTHER Christmas won't help. Oh well. Sleep is overrated, right? :)
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