1. They jump around now. And run. And walk backwards. And it's hilarious!
2. More words are sneaking in every day. Latest additions: strawberry (steh-bay) and down (dowwwwwwn). Plus: nose, eye, all done and all gone (both sound like "hong kong").
3. We've started a Kindermusik class. Ben and Hannah are naturals at playing the wooden sticks.
4. We've also started a Storytime class at the Red Balloon. I signed up for this class because I love the storytimes with Sara, but they are SO VERY BUSY (like 80 kids!). I can't handle that with the two toddlers, so I signed up for the "class." It's like storytime, but just 10 of us or so bring our kids. It's simply wonderful. And Hannie continues to be a teacher's pet and wants to sit on Sara's lap all.the.time.
5. Momma & Daddy have started having weekly date nights where we go out to dinner. The babysitter (Maya) comes and they just adore her! I hope we get to keep her for along time (she's a senior in college this coming year...).
6. We've gone swimming a few times so far this summer. B&H seem to want to take it or leave it.
7. We had our 18-month pictures taken this week. The previews are AD.OR.A.BLE.
8. We've had two separate diapers-coming-off-while-sleeping incidents. YUCK. (Thankfully the mess was contained to the sleep sack, but still).
9. We've been STROLLER FREE for about 2 or 3 weeks. We still have one, I still sometimes lug it around in the back of the car, but we rarely use it. B&H are getting to be GREAT listeners and will wait by the car (by touching it) while I get everyone out and will hold hands when we walk in somewhere. This is a freedom I didn't know I missed!
10. We got finger-pricked this week to test for lead. Three of my St Paul friends have had their kids results come back high, so I thought we better get it looked at. Hannie didn't even cry. Ben bawled like the big baby he is (I say that with a mother's love) the minute we sat in the chair.
11. They've become even MORE obsessed with Elmo - even though we never watch Sesame Street. The marketing on that muppet is amazing!
12. They hold hands with each other now, as evidenced here.
13. We've gone out for ice cream more days this month than we haven't. The babies love this. My waistline does not.
14. We started doing "Kid Swap" with our friend Kat (my friend) and K&Z (her twins). We've only done it twice total, but it seems to be a big success. If only illnesses would stay at bay, I think we'd be able to do more swapping!
Four toddlers in the club house! |
15. Hannah's getting more patient at letting me put in piggy tails. They are super cute!
16. I think they're teething. That or they are just really drooly. No signs of the 2-year molars yet, but I know they must be coming soon. They got their canines about 6 months early, so I presume the molars will come early too. We're not looking forward to this.
17. They're learning to play with Play-Doh. They have an attention span of about 6 minutes with it. But, if I leave it in the canisters and call it "stackers," they play with it like blocks (building big towers and such) for an entire morning.
18. They continue to love our neighbors. Ben especially loves our neighbor Lucy, and the feeling is mutual!
19. I love them more and more each day!! Here they are on the morning of their 19 month birthday:

Oh my gosh, LOVE that video of Ben walking backward and forward. He's totally proud of himself. :)
ReplyDeleteHannah's curls are awesome. I keep hoping Adalyn's hair will get like that! Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures!
Can't wait to see these babies, I mean toddlers, in a couple of weeks!
ReplyDeletethey look adorable. hope to meet them soon. :) and I'm jealous they will hold your hand in parking lots! Simon won't!